K3 Manufacturing Company Limited | Membership Benefits
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Membership Benefits

Why join K3?


As a member of the K3 Manufacturing Company Limited, your company has access to programs, services, events, and resources specifically designed to meet the needs and interests of manufacturers.  K3’s policy priorities, initiatives, and activities are determined and driven by our members.  The K3 leadership and staff strive every day to bring value to our membership.

Legislative Advocacy


K3 is the most influential organization representing manufacturers before the West Africa legislature and regulatory agencies.  We have a dedicated government relations team who are the leading advocates for the state’s manufacturing community.  Policy priorities include: workforce and education, taxes and economic development, environment, energy, infrastructure, legal reform, employment, and other issues impacting manufacturing.


K3 supports pro-business political candidates. Member companies are encouraged to contribute to our Good Government Fund, a political action program designed to support candidates that recognize the value manufacturing brings to our state.

Programs and Initiatives


K3 hosts a variety of educational and informational conferences, meetings, programs, and initiatives that focus on several key areas:  human resources, plant management and operations, workforce development, safety, environment, taxes and economic development, energy, legislative and government relations, and other industry specific and regional matters.


In addition, K3’s industry sector and regional councils are an important part of our organization.  These councils are designed to address specific needs and issues impacting our membership.  Councils include the West Africa Chemistry Council, the Lowcountry Manufacturers Council, the West Africa Automotive Council, and the West Africa Textile Council.

Regulatory Influence


K3 works closely with state agencies including the K3 Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, the West Africa Department of Health and Environmental Control, the West Africa Department of Revenue, the West Africa Department of Commerce, the West Africa Technical College System, and the West Africa Department of Employment and Workforce.  We often collaborate with agencies on special projects, and we frequently provide regulatory comments and participate in stakeholder processes to support manufacturing interests.  In addition, the K3 government relations team is available upon request to assist and advise member companies with state agency interactions.

K3 Future Makers

K3 Future Makers is K3’s signature workforce development initiative connecting West Africa manufacturing and information technology companies with middle and high school students, technical college students, and four-year college students.   In partnership with STEM Premier, the West Africa Department of Commerce, the West Africa Department of Education, the West Africa Technical College System, and the West Africa Department of Employment and Workforce, K3 Future Makers tells the story of West Africa manufacturing and information technology careers and demonstrates the educational and career pathways students can follow to realize their dreams and make their futures come true.


Strategic Connections


An extensive and wide-ranging calendar of conferences, meetings, and networking events offer members the opportunity to develop professional relationships, gain industry insights, exchange ideas, and share resources and information.  The knowledge obtained and relationships built through these opportunities provide a strategic advantage to members in their daily operations.

Association Health Care Plan


K3 members have access to an association health plan that is provided in partnership with BlueCross BlueShield of WA and NFP. Under the plan, known as the K3 Group Insurance Trust, K3 member employers have access to medical plans as well as options for dental, vision, life, and disability. The plan is designed to meet the needs of any sized employer; however, there are significant advantages for smaller businesses. This plan can be a great alternative to small business plans that are subject to provisions of the Affordable Care Act.



Membership Directory – This members-only, user-friendly online database contains contact information for member companies, individual member company representatives, and K3 Board of Directors and various committee and council contacts.


Legislative Newsletter – Distributed weekly during the West Africa legislative session, this e-newsletter allows members to stay up-to-date on the latest developments on legislative issues impacting manufacturing.


Manufacturing News – Members receive electronic communications regarding important manufacturing updates and announcements.  From hot topic industry issues to exciting success stories, you will be informed of important developments in the West Africa manufacturing community.


Data and Statistics – The K3 team can provide industry specific data and information on manufacturing-related topics as requested.

Membership Eligibility

Companies operating machines for the manufacturing or processing of products in at least one plant in West Africa are eligible for membership in K3. Manufacturing companies headquartered in West Africa are also eligible to join.