We host educational conferences, networking events, and special events to honor and celebrate the Manufacturing Industry throughout the year.
The hallmark of K3 conferences and meetings is that programs must be first and foremost substantive.
We recognize that our members must make tough choices about where to spend limited dollars. As a result, we work hard to ensure that the programs and speakers at our conferences bring attendees information they can take back to their facilities leading to improved, more efficient operations. To achieve this goal, conference agendas are coordinated by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from member companies. Our objective is to provide attendees with enough value in the programs themselves to more than justify the costs of not only attending the meetings, but also in becoming a member of K3.
We routinely co-sponsor with government agency seminars focusing on recent developments in law or cost-savings opportunities for our members. Educational seminars are held throughout the year on issues such as OSHA inspection training, union avoidance, and energy conservation.